DynaSol - Scientific Computing
DynaSol ThermoProp
to the free & easy world of consistent thermodynamics
For Any Temperature - Pressure - Density - Relation
in the Fluid Phase
DynaSol ThermoProp - Version 3 (TP/3)
DynaSol ThermoProp unites the functionality of
three formerly stand
alone programs:
The two rudimentary fit programs for TRIDEN and for EOSDEN correlations (both Windows executables)
and the Excel Add-In 'TRIDEN Correlation' (for TRIDEN and EOSDEN calculations)
are now merged into the new programmed 'DynaSol ThermoProp'. The second highlight is
the implementation of Helmholtz type equations of state for precise calculations
in all fluid phases.
TRIDEN is a correlation system for
temperature and pressure dependent liquid densities. It was developed in the
thesis of Christian Ihmels using the Tait
equation (for isothermal compressed densities), the Rackett equation (for saturated
liquid densities), and the Wagner equation (for vapor pressures). EOSDEN is a compilation of different
Benedict-Webb-Rubin equations of state (e.g. BWR, Bender-EOS, and MBWR). A reduced
Bender-EOS was used in the thesis of Ihmels for the correlation of supercritical
densities (instead of the TRIDEN model). For these models two correlation programs
were developed between 1998 and 2001 in the thesis using C++ Builder. At the
same time the calculation module 'TRIDEN Correlation' was developed as Excel
Add-In. In 2001 the development of this correlation
software come to an end with the conclusion of the thesis.
In 2002
the development of TRIDEN and the software were continued under the label DynaSol. The new 'DynaSol
ThermoProp' (version 3) unites the functionality of both fit-programs and the
calculation module 'TRIDEN Correlation' in one new programmed Excel Add-In, including extensive
correlation and calculation functions. The EOSDEN and TRIDEN implementations
were improved. Since 2003 the up to date Helmholtz type equations of state calculations
are implemented (HEOS). Moreover, the functionality was extremely
extended. The integrated fit module is more flexible and comfortable and the
calculation functions and possibilities are more manifold than ever before.
And the development will be continued...
DynaSol ThermoProp
quick - flexible - reliable
The Excel Add-In 'DynaSol ThermoProp' provides 'user functions' in Excel for all calculations. Now also different units for the properties are available for calculations. Moreover, a 'ThermoProp' menu item in the Excel menu provides additional functions, e.g., for the parameter file handling. Completely new are the 'DynaSol ThermoProp - Correlator' and the 'DynaSol ThermoProp - Calculator'.
The 'DynaSol ThermoProp - Correlator' is reachable via the menu after the data you want to correlate is simply selected in an Excel sheet. In the 'DynaSol ThermoProp - Correlator' window the input properties and units can be defined columnwise. Then a TRIDEN, EOSDEN, or HEOS (only Enterprise Edition) fit can be started after defining the substance (pure or mixture of up to five compounds). For multi-parameter equations the DynaSol Straight Fit Technology is incorporated for very fast and reliable pre-fits. Several options and statistical values are available for the correlations. The parameters can be stored in the parameter files for later calculations.
In the 'DynaSol ThermoProp - Calculator' window quick & ease calculations are possible without typing any userdefined function in an Excel sheet. Simply by selecting (searching) the compound (parameter set) for the calculations and defining two properties to calculate the third. Also Excel sheets with calculated data (e.g. T-P-roh-alpha table with isothemal, isobaric, or isochoric calculations) can be created here.
The DynaSol ThermoProp Excel Add-In provides extensive calculation functions for an ease of use in Excel sheets.
DynaSol ThermoProp allows the export of HEOS parameter sets to FLD files for the widely used NIST REFPROP (version 8) software (Enterprise Edition only).
These calculations are possible using only the correlations of temperature-pressure-density relations. Using the HEOS system more functions are available for the calculation of caloric properties:
There are three different
editions of DynaSol ThermoProp: The smart Expresso Edition for all calculations, the complete
Galaxy Edition for TRIDEN and EOSDEN fits (including the Correlator functions), and
the extended Enterprise Edition also for HEOS fits. The Expresso Edition is
available free of charge but without obligation and only for scientific and non-commercial use on request. This
edition can be used on any computer with Windows 98 or higher and MS Excel
97 or higher.
Since 2007 DynaSol ThermoProp is part of the DynaSol control software AutoTPX and AP-Express.
The software includes:
For further questions or remarks please contact support(at)dynasol.de.
The copyright of the programs and/or names AutoTPX, Ap-Express, TRIDEN, TRIDEN Correlation,
ThermoProp, 3D-Plot, and EOSDEN are by Christian Ihmels.
and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Inc. C++ Builder is a trademark of Borland
Copyright © 2000-2010 Christian Ihmels
All Rights reserved.